Friday 19 November 2010


Yesterday I went to Manchester with my mum so that we could go to the Real Camera Company for my christmas present. I found a beautiful Rolleicord TLR, which I fell in love with instantly. Rolleicords were produced between 1934 and 1976, by Franke & Heidecke and were a slightly less expensive version of the Rolleiflex.

Although I had originally wanted a Rolleiflex, the salesman explained to me that the Rolleicord was much simpler and was a better choice for a first time TLR user. He also told me that although this particular Rolleicord was slightly more expensive than the two Rolleiflex's they had in the shop, it would increase in value over time if its condition was maintained. The knowledge of the exployees at Real Camera was excellent and you could tell that they had a passion for cameras, unlike a few of the shops in Liverpool I have previously been to and would not go to again.

I was given 3 free rolls of film, as well as the camera strap and the manual which was in perfect condition. Two of the rolls of film that I had asked for were expired, one was from 1981 and I am extremely excited to see the results as I have always wanted to use expired film and have not been able to get hold of it for a reasonable price. (Real Camera charge £2 for a roll of 120 expired film, and I probably should have bought more than two!)

Real Camera is an amazing shop and I would reccomend it to anybody looking to purchase film, cameras, lenses and pretty much anything you could think of to do with analogue photography.

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